Now a days adding social widgets is become more popular and every blogger wants to add this widgets. Adding the social widgets in blogger or website will give you the customer attraction and more unique user. Now here I am going to tell you how to add most popular widget Facebook Like box in blogger.
1 Login to Blogger
2. Operate to Blogger Dashboard
3. Click On Layout
4. Add a Gadget → HTML /JavaScript Below is showing the screen shot ( Arrow is the indicator to showing the HTML/ JavaScript.
5. Enter the code below inside the Gadget.
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//" style="border-style: none; height: 290px; overflow: hidden; width: 292px;"></iframe>
7. Click on Save Button and view your blog. Below is the look of Facebook Like Box.
Now Congratulates you are done with your new Facebook Like Box to your blogger. For Customization you can
change width as per your requirement.
This is my personal experience about
FaceBook social plug-in to all the bloggers. If any information is
wrong as per my experience so please just share with me. I hope you
all like it. For more Blogger widgets and SEO related information
check out my new blogs here SEO Techniques.